Monday, December 30, 2013


 Hi! Today I just thought I'd show you some pictures of isablle. this is just my opinion but I feel like they came up with Isabelle's story's in the shower! So here are some pictures: 
 I honestly think she is so beautiful. I like her name but I'm probably going to re-name her Candice. 

I LOVE her shirt even though it looks like an our generation out fit. 

So I hope you like isablle and I know that I will miss saige SOOOOO much! She was like the best GOTY ever! 

If you like them that's your opinion and I just told you my opinion and every one feels different so if you think your going to like her story's great! 😃😃

Maggie 😉


  1. This cracks me up. Came up with the story in the shower!! you are hilarious!!

  2. Why do you think they came up with the story in the shower? What is the story? By the way, when I worked at the paper, I often "wrote" my articles in the shower and then typed them out. SOME stories that are written in the shower actually turn out well! :) Memaw

  3. It's just an expression! And I bet the articles were awsome! But read the sunnareies on amazon!
